Become an Adoptive Parent
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Bringing Families Together offers adoption services to Missouri families seeking to adopt a child. Adopting a child is a beautiful and exciting journey, yet it also can be an emotional time for adoptive parents.
Our team will partner with you, walk beside you and support you on your journey to adopt a child(ren).
Bringing Families Together is a licensed Child Placing agency dedicated to meeting the needs of Missouri's children and families.

Adoption Services
There are many types of adoptions that you may explore as you consider your options.
You may privately adopt a child (or children) from birth parents. This type of adoption may be an open adoption or other type, depending on the birth parents’ adoption plan. Adoptions may also be domestic or international.
And there is the opportunity to adopt children that are currently in foster care where parental rights have been terminated through no fault of the child. It is rewarding to provide a forever home to children in foster care, and there is a great need. We will partner with you to find the right fit for the child and your family, which may include, for example, the right age child for your family.
Our services include:
Adoption assessments – domestic, stepparent and international
Adoption assessment updates
Post-placement supervision
Guardianship suitability studies
Adoption can be an overwhelming experience if a family is not prepared, and Bringing Families Together has a variety of informational resources available to support you.
We also have established working relationships with several attorneys in the St. Louis area, and we can provide referrals to resources our families may need.
For additional information on private adoptions...
Please contact Carol Pine at
CarolP@bringingfamiliestogether.com or 314-938-5704.
For additional information on adopting through foster care...
Please contact Carol Pine at
CarolP@bringingfamiliestogether.com or 314-938-5704.
Become a BFT Adoptive Parent
Join With Us
Are you interested in learning more and exploring the idea of becoming an adoptive parent? We would love to help you explore and support you on your adoption journey!

Adoption Requirements
Adoption requirements in the state of Missouri include but are not limited to:
Any individual or couple over the age of 21
Complete required training
Submit to criminal and child abuse / neglect checks and meet criteria
Financially and emotionally stable
Must have ample space in the home for sleep and play
Must meet safety standards
A completed and approved adoption assessment

Additional Requirements for International Adoptions
For persons desiring to adopt internationally, you will need to utilize a Haque accredited foreign adoption agency.
Bringing Families Together will contract with that agency to provide the adoption assessment and post placement supervision services for you.
Individuals must be at least 25 years old
Couples must both be at least 21 years old
Meet the financial criteria as per the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
Meet the guideline requirements of the country from which the child is being adopted
Adoption guidelines vary from country to country and generally override the United States Code
For information on a specific country’s requirements, visit the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Take Your First Steps
Interested in exploring adoption or beginning your adoption journey?
We would love to hear from you! Becoming an adoptive parent/s starts with taking one step – call us – and we will help guide you through the rest! It’s your journey, and we are here to help you!
Call us!
Reach out to us so we can help you take your first step on your journey to becoming an adoptive parent!
For additional information on private adoptions...
Please contact Carol Pine at
CarolP@bringingfamiliestogether.com or 314-938-5704.
For additional information on adopting through foster care...
Please contact Carol Pine at
CarolP@bringingfamiliestogether.com or 314-938-5704.
Attend an Info Session
You will find our Foster Care & Adoption Info Sessions on our Events page or on our Facebook page.
We offer both virtual and in-person info sessions. This is another great way to have your questions answered.
If you’re not sure where to start and you’d like to learn more, our info sessions are a great place to start! We will introduce you to BFT and discuss what’s involved in becoming an adoptive parent.
You will be able to chat with a qualified agency representative, learn more about the adoption journey and explore the process (with no obligation)! We would love to have you join us!

Training Requirements
Training requirements for private adoptions are different than for adopting through foster care.
Private adoptions require the adoptive parents to obtain 10 hours of training.
For adopting through foster care, the adoptive parents will be required to complete the required Children’s Division curriculum.
To find upcoming training opportunities, visit our events page and/or email or call Family Resource Director Kim Brown at KimB@bringingfamiliestogether.com or 314-938-5704, and we will help you find the next available training by Bringing Families Together and/or our partners at Saint Louis Partners.
Foster Care
BFT's Waiting Children
There is a great need for families willing to be permanent resources for children whose families are unable to reunify. If you are interested in becoming a permanent resource for a child in need, we would love to support you on your journey! Please contact Carol Pine at CarolP@bringingfamiliestogether.com or 314-938-5704.
Bringing Families Together has children waiting for their forever home!

Additional Waiting Children
The following links are resources to finding waiting children all over the United States. Parents seeking adoption are not limited to adopting children who reside in their own state. If a family is not adopting privately, the agency does request that the family search for a child within Missouri for six months before looking for children outside of Missouri.
Adoption Applications / Forms
Private Adoption
Adoption through Foster Care
If you are interested in adopting through foster care, please fill out our Resource Home Application and email your completed application to Carol Pine at CarolP@bringingfamiliestogether.com.
Congratulations to our Adopted Children!
Even better than testimonials from our adoptive parents are the photos of new happy forever families! Congratulations to these amazing children and their families on their official adoption days with their forever families!