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Know Your Rights

Clients’ Rights

As a client of Bringing Families Together (BFT), you are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. Many of our clients are mandated to receive services from our agency.


Mandated clients have the same rights as voluntary clients. All clients have the right to the following:


Clients' Responsibilities


Be actively, openly and honestly involved in the services you are receiving.


Be an integral member of the team, including making decisions about the services you participate in.


Inform the agency 24 hours in advance if you are unable to keep schedule appointment.


Treat all staff and service providers with dignity and respect.


Report any concern you have regarding the services you are receiving or have received.

Need help or need to report a concern?

Here are important resource numbers for you to keep on hand as a foster parent. Foster parents are also mandated reporters.


If you see or suspect child abuse or neglect, say something. 


Foster Parents' Bill of Rights

Please access the most current foster parent rights from the State of Missouri’s website.


Foster care

We would love to help you explore and learn more about becoming a foster parent. It just takes one simple first step!

Become an Adoptive Parent

We offer adoption services to Missouri families and would love to support you on your adoption journey!


Events & Training

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