Exciting news!! HUGE congratulations to this happy family on the adoption of this sweet little girl! Please join us in celebrating permanency for this child and dedicated family!
We are overjoyed for this little girl finding her forever home and being adopted after spending 1,196 days in care!
Adopting a child from foster care is an incredible journey filled with challenges, growth and the kind of love that transforms lives. For families considering adoption, it’s important to understand the depth of commitment, the beauty of the bond, and the unique story that every child brings into your home.
Lots of love to this amazing family on their forever journey together!
If you are interested in exploring foster care or adoption, check out our new website for info on Becoming a Foster Parent and Becoming an Adoptive Parent. Pleas also visit our Waiting Children page.
You may also call our foster inquiry line at 314-938-5690, or call / email our Resource Supervisor Carol Pine at (314) 938-5704 or CarolP@BringingFamiliesTogether.com.