It’s important to create opportunities for listening to our kids, which fosters stronger connections, builds trust and provides support. Here is one child’s poem that she wanted to share…
“The Stages We Feel” by Jazlynn
Depression can take over you like water does ice, but when I get there, people try to be nice.
When you can’t believe she’s gone, you start not to believe. Then it starts making you not achieve.
Staying in your bed crying and sobbing all night, but then I hear “You’ll be alright.”
Eating ice cream because you think it will make you feel better. Not even going outside to check the weather.
Then you start to remember all the times she told you. “No matter what I will always love you,” but it is hard to get through.
Then you finally get up for school. Then when someone ask if you are okay you say, “I’m cool.” She in a family that’s sick. One dies, one after another until it quits.
After six years, somebody special goes away. After you cried you say you’re okay, but you’re not. You try over and over again not to break down. but you can’t sometimes. You can be small and unnoticeable like an ant. Well, you can’t.
To those of you that have lost somebody, keep your head up and never give up. You will keep going and never get stuck. Be brave and honest with yourself and your feelings, work through your problems and don’t let it stop you to achieve.