Community Programs
Transitional Living Scattered Site (TLSS)
TLSS Program
The Transitional Living Scattered Site (TLSS) program provides youth who are in foster care, ages 18 through 20, with a place to live and the opportunity to learn valuable life skills that will help you successfully reach independence.
Our program provides clean, safe, one-bedroom apartments that are fully furnished and are located in the community - close to shopping, employment and with full access to the services and resources you will need throughout your time in the program.
Rent, furnishings, utilities and food are covered under the program, and you will slowly learn how to budget for and pay monthly bills.
Our staff are understanding of your time in foster care and all the challenges that can entail. They are there to help you successfully navigate the program and develop the skills that you need to meet the goals you and your team have set for you.
TLSS can offer a smooth transition from foster care into living independently with the ability to support your lifestyle.
Our goal is to assist you into becoming a productive, and satisfied adult.
Areas of focus in the program are: teaching youth how to find an affordable apartment, understanding the terms of a lease, and how to pay rent, utilities and other personal bills.
Youth also learn how to budget, cook, create a menu, shop, communicate effectively, resolve conflict, and many other skills they will need as an adult.

Who can use TLSS Services
To qualify for TLSS Services, the youth must be 18 years of age and have completed high school. The youth must be in Children's Division custody. Youth can stay in the program until they are no longer in Children’s Division custody, and the permanency goal is not reunification, adoption or legal guardianship.
To be considered for TLSS, youth need to demonstrate the ability to make responsible decisions, maintain employment and have a clear understanding of the financial and emotional demands of living independently.
Steps to receive TLSS Services
Referrals to our program are made through the Foster Care Case Manager / Children’s Division Case Manager.
If you are interested, have your case manager reach out to our TLSS team to complete the required paperwork, including our TLSS application.
After your application is received, an interview will be set up so you and BFT can determine if the program is a good fit for your needs.
TLSS has specific rules all youth must follow. If you agree to these rules, we hope you will ask about our program. TLSS program rules that must be followed while in the program.
Contact the TLSS Team
Need to reach out to your TLSS team member? See our TLSS team for their contact information.
Here are answers to some of our frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Click on the question for more information. Still have questions? Click on the button below and send us an email!
How much does it cost to become a foster parent?It’s free! There is NO cost to you for the foster care training or foster home study.
How do I find a licensing agency?You already have! Bringing Families Together is a licensing agency, and we would love to help you! We will guide you through the process to become a licensed foster parent for BFT.
How do I get started?Just call us! You may call our foster inquiry line at 314-938-5690 or reach out to Resource Family Director Kim Brown at 314-938-5704 or via email at KimB@bringingfamiliestogether.com. You may also attend an Info Session HERE.
Will I receive training?Yes, the MOCARES 10 session training will be provided free of charge.
Will there be home visits?Yes, there will be several home visits to ensure safety in the home and complete the assessment process.
Can I foster as a single parent?Yes! You do not need to be married to become a foster parent!
Do I need to own my own house?No, you do not need to own your own home.
Will I have ongoing support?Yes! Bringing Families Together provides ongoing support through your licensing worker and added trainings to support you as a parent.
Who makes a good foster parent?All individuals and couples who love children and can provide a safe and caring home for children.
For additional background information, you may wish to check out the following websites:
As always, just reach out to us, and we will be happy to help you!